🆘 Operational support in case of any questions 🆘 <attention>📦 By purchasing this product you get: ⭐ Subscription of Duolingo Super for a period of 12 months to your account. ⭐ Ability to subscribe to both your old and new account. ⭐ Instant delivery of goods to your mail ⭐ Uninterrupted operation of the service throughout the entire period. ⭐ Warranty for the purchased goods for the entire subscription period.</attention> 💎 Duolingo Plus Key Features: 🔻 No ads 🔻 Huge database of educational materials: texts, videos and audios 🔻 Endless Lives 🔻 Unlimited add words to dictionary 🔻 Apps for Android, IOS 🔻 Real-time monitoring of language learning progress 🔻 Language test 🔻 Monthly shock recovery 🔻 Unlimited early turn-in of skills 🔻 You decide how much time to allocate for study (30, 60, 120 minutes). 📜 IMPORTANT: 📌 If you have purchased a family subscription invitation, in order to subscribe after payment, you will need to provide a unique code about the payment for the product, in the ‘Correspondence with seller’ form on the purchase page, after which, you will be sent a family invitation. 📌 The account must not have any active subscriptions. 🎓 What do you do after the purchase? 1. After paying for the goods, a unique code will come to your mail, you will need to tell me in the ''Correspondence with the seller''. 2. Wait until the order is completed. 3. Done, your premium is activated! 4. Do a small good deed, or rather leave a positive review (in this way you improve our service and motivate us to become better and better!) We really appreciate your feedback, so we are very grateful to you in advance for your time.