🆘 Operational support in case of any questions 🆘 💸 Cashback - after the purchase for a positive review you will receive a gift card. <attention>📦 By purchasing this product you get: ⭐ Rosetta Stone premium subscription for a period of 3/12/∞ months to your account. ⭐ Uninterrupted operation of the service. ⭐ The ability to subscribe to both a new and an old account. ⭐ Warranty for the purchased goods for the entire subscription period.</attention> <attention>💎 Main features of Rosetta Stone Premium: 🔻 You can adjust the programme to suit you: if you don't want to do speaking or grammar, you can just drop them; 🔻 More than 30 foreign languages are available to learn: in addition to the most popular ones there are Hindi, Chinese, Filipino and others). 🔻 If you pay for 12 months or more, you'll have unlimited languages available. 🔻 Native language learning - you don't just memorise a word, you fix it with a specific image; <delivery>📜 IMPORTANT: 📌 To subscribe after payment, you will need to provide a unique code for paying for the goods and data from your Rosetta Stone account (login:password) in the "Correspondence with the seller" form on the purchase page. 📌 The account must not have any active subscriptions. 📌 Registration is made by paying a premium through the official store for 3/12/∞ months from a bank card, the paid period will be displayed in the subscription information. 🎓 What do you do after the purchase? 1. After paying for the goods, a unique code will come to your mail, you will need to tell me in the ''Correspondence with the seller''. 2️. Together with a unique code, please provide data for authorization in your Rosetta Stone account. 3️. Wait until the order is completed. 4. Done, your premium is activated! 5. Do a small good deed, or rather leave a positive review (in this way you improve our service and motivate us to become better and better!) We really appreciate your feedback, so we are very grateful to you in advance for your time. </delivery>