<attention>📦 By purchasing this product you get: ⭐ Premium subscription Gold/Platinum/Diamond in the Chess service for a period of 1/12 months to your new or an existing account. ⭐ Uninterrupted operation of the service. ⭐ Warranty for the purchased goods for the entire subscription period.</attention> <attention>💎 The main features of premium subscriptions: ⭐️ GOLD subscription gives: 🔻 Unlimited puzzles 🔻 Unlimited lessons 🔻 Unblock all bots 🔻 No Ads 💠 Platinum subscription gives you: 🔻 Unlimited game reviews/views 🔻 Unlimited puzzles 🔻 Unlimited lessons 🔻 Unblock all bots 🔻 No Ads 💎 Diamond subscription gives you: 🔻 Unlimited trainer explanations 🔻 Unlimited information 🔻 Unlimited game reviews/views 🔻 Unlimited puzzles 🔻 Unlimited lessons 🔻 Unblock all bots 🔻 No Ads <delivery>📜 IMPORTANT: ➖ For the option with activation to a new account: 📌 To subscribe after payment, you will need to provide a unique payment code for the item and your Chess account registration details in the ‘Correspondence with Seller’ form on the purchase page : 1) Mail login. 2) Password for the account. 3) Nickname for the profile. ❗️ New account is registered manually by the seller! ➖ For the option with activation to an existing account: 1) Chess login. 2) Chess password. 3) Unique payment code. ➖ For the family subscription invitation option: 1) Chess login. 2) Chess password. 3) Unique payment code. 📌 Chess accounts with Google login are not suitable for activation. 📌 The checkout is done by paying the premium through the official shop for 1/12 months with a bank card, your subscription information will show the paid term. 📌 In the future you can renew your subscription in the same account, without creating a new one. 📌 The account must not have any active subscriptions. 🎓 What do you do after the purchase? 1. After paying for the goods, a unique code will come to your mail, you will need to tell me in the ''Correspondence with the seller''. 2️. Together with a unique code, please provide the data for registering your Chess com account. 3️. Wait until the order is completed. 4. Done, your premium is activated! 5. Do a small good deed, or rather leave a positive review (in this way you improve our service and motivate us to become better and better!) We really appreciate your feedback, so we are very grateful to you in advance for your time. </delivery>